Welcome To The SwiftCodesDB.com

SwiftCodesDB.com has a complete and updated database for the SWIFT Codes. It is very hard to remember all the banking codes which is used in our daily life like whenever we are going to transfer the money online we need the SWIFT Codes (for the international transaction). If you are looking for the complete database of SWIFT Codes, it is the right place for you. We have many types of search facility from which you can search SWIFT Codes by the Country name, Bank name and can get the Bank details by using the SWIFT Code Search.

Read About SWIFT Codes

SWIFT Code By The Country Name Initials

SWIFT Code By The Country

What is SWIFT Codes?

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) code is also known as Bank Identifier Code (BIC) or ISO 9362 code approved by the International Standard Organization (ISO). It is unique identification for a particular bank, mainly use for the money transferring between banks, particularly for International Wire Transfers and for the other message exchange between banks. The structure of the SWIFT Code is given below:

SWIFT Code Structure:

The SWIFT Code consists of 8 or 11 characters and the main difference between 8 and 11 characters are the 8-digits code refers to the primary office and the 11-digit code refers the sub office for example AAAA BB CC DDD:

You can read more about the SWIFT Code at Wikipedia website.